The Royal Game of Ur Devlog 3

Fixed the issue with the online game mode scoring not working properly. It was caused by an error in order of operations in my logic. I was adding a score to the player who actually scored (correctly), but then switched the player turn flag and THEN told the other player that the 'current' player which was now them, scored. 

Essentially just had to flip flop two lines of code lol

With that out of the way and the game is functional again, I will work on the following:

  • Add logic to display current state of the game in short messages (ie. P1/2's Turn, Waiting for P1/2 to Move, P1/2 gets a bonus move, etc)
  • Add a graphic for the 4 dice to display the roll instead of just a 0 or 1
  • Update graphic for game board
  • Update graphics for tokens
  • Add more tokens 
  • Add logic to allow player to choose which token to play as
  • Update main menu button graphics
  • Add game instructions in the game itself

Wow still quite a bit to do! But yay for progress :)

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